Monthly Archives: October 2014

This years math class

Math this year is awesome. I am finally starting to understand math. I love that we never have homework and that we can work at our own pace. Mr.Oldfield helps me a lot. And when i don’t understand something he doesn’t just tell me the answer. he helps me work through it in till i get it. I have never understood math in till this year. 

Student Led Confance

Okay well i am doing okay I’m doing okay in math.  I am having some trouble i have always had troubles in math. I would say the top three things that i am have trouble with would be Multiplying and Dividing negative number, Distributive property, and Combing like terms using distributive property. The thing that i am having trouble with the most would be understanding the distributive property. I am not so sure what is is but i cant just get it all the way down. I am actually pretty good at simplifying expressions using exponents i get stuck every now and then but i am getting the grip of it.  And the same thing with evaluating positive, zero, and negative exponents. Something that i am really good with is two step equations. At first i didn’t get it at all but i kept practicing and i got the hang of it. I have a D in math witch is comply understandable because math is one of my worst subjects by the end of the year i would like to have at least a B or a C maybe even a A. For the end of the nine weeks there isnt  I would like to be able to understand math by the end of the year.