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Hair Dresser

The requirements needed to be a hair dresser. You have to have a certificate in cosmetology. And you have to have license. You also have to either have your diploma or your GED. Some of the expectations to be a hair dresser. You would have to be able cope with your stress and also you have to make sure to keep your clients happy. Some of the daily tasks to being a hair dresser would be, you have to treat the costumers nice and respect them. You also have to make sure that you and your equipment is sanitized properly. A hair dresser makes $23,140 a year. And there isn’t really a prime location for hair dresser because hair dresser are needed everywhere. Not just in a certain place. Being a hair dresser should not be looked down on because it is a good job, i think that it should be well respected by people. 

This years math class

Math this year is awesome. I am finally starting to understand math. I love that we never have homework and that we can work at our own pace. Mr.Oldfield helps me a lot. And when i don’t understand something he doesn’t just tell me the answer. he helps me work through it in till i get it. I have never understood math in till this year. 

Student Led Confance

Okay well i am doing okay I’m doing okay in math.  I am having some trouble i have always had troubles in math. I would say the top three things that i am have trouble with would be Multiplying and Dividing negative number, Distributive property, and Combing like terms using distributive property. The thing that i am having trouble with the most would be understanding the distributive property. I am not so sure what is is but i cant just get it all the way down. I am actually pretty good at simplifying expressions using exponents i get stuck every now and then but i am getting the grip of it.  And the same thing with evaluating positive, zero, and negative exponents. Something that i am really good with is two step equations. At first i didn’t get it at all but i kept practicing and i got the hang of it. I have a D in math witch is comply understandable because math is one of my worst subjects by the end of the year i would like to have at least a B or a C maybe even a A. For the end of the nine weeks there isnt  I would like to be able to understand math by the end of the year.

About me.!

My names is Aliza. I’m more of a country girl then i am anything else. I’m a natural red head. I don’t really hangout with a group of girl you most likely see me with guys and one or two girls. I have had a really hard life ever since i was seven years old. I had my childhood token away from me. I don’t really trust anyone at all. Because everyone walks into my life and walks right back out. I like to walk, go mudding, drawing and basketball. I love being outside. I don’t really like to stay inside! I love spending time with the family and little kids and my friends. My plan is to get through high school and go to collage get through collage not sure what i wanna be yet. But i wanna get through collage get a good paying job and have a little boy and a little girl. That’s pretty much all you need to know about me!